Saturday, August 9, 2008

Wedded Bliss

It's official. Errol and I married on July 19, in front of 200+ friends and family.
Despite the glitches, hangups, problems and rain, we were able to have it just the way we wanted it. It couldn't have been a more perfect day. It rained Friday afternoon, all night Friday, Saturday morning, to green things up, and managed to clear off in enough time to set everything up for the outdoor ceremony.
The sun even poked it's head out to heat everyone up!

My highlights of the day:
1) The valet parkers. Complete with white gloves, ties and rubber boots. Did I mention it rained so much before? The parking lot was veritable mud hole.
2) Seeing most of our family come out, even the ones that live far, far away.
3) Getting the Teen Girl Squad together once again. Like family, seems the only time we're all together is for weddings. I was too sad when one of our members had to leave before we could say hello.
4) Mudding after pictures. Bent my tiara a little when Errol went through a deeper than expected mud hole, and I went flying through the cab. Remember kids... always where your seatbelt when mudding.
5) The food and desserts and cakes. Everyone did a wonderful job. Kudos to the caterer for having never catered a BBQ before. They made a fine meal.
6) "You might be a redneck if your uncle marries your cousin". Tears streamed down my face, I was laughing so hard. For those of you who just stumble upon this blog... we were not related before, but do have some common, through marriage relations.
7) "Earl has to die". Again tears. This time down Errol's face when my dad retold the story of how he came to remember how to say Errol's name. For the longest time all he could think of was Earl from the Dixie Chicks song.
8) Getting to say hello to everyone when we cut the cake. We unexpectedly ended up cutting and serving it to everyone. I was thankful we did though, and had that chance to say hello to so many more people.
9) The wedding party. Everyone cleaned up so well, and a wonderful job helping get everything ready. And the kids were too cute, all day.
10) Lame as it may sound. The whole day was a highlight. I'm not a picky person, and had trouble making some of the decisions. But everything fell into place, and I can't thank those that helped out enough, for all the work they did. It was a community project, and everyone pitched in and "got 'er done"

Now... for some pictures. Our photographer, Guy, has posted a bunch of his formal pictures online. They are awesome. He's so good. Check them out!

And... apparently, it is going to take waaaay too long to get the picture attachment feature to pop up. so you will have to wait a little bit longer. This high speed satellite internet is great, until you ask it to attach pictures.

Next post... the tale of honeymoon crashers


Becca said...

Congrats Ang! Sounds like a great day!! The pics are gorgeous - you looked fantastic! I'm so glad it went so well!

Everyday Matheson said...

Congratulations Angela.
