Sunday, July 25, 2010

Little Sea Turtle

Hooray! Gauge passed his swimming lessons. Good thing as I would have no idea how to tell him he didn't and would have to take the same level next year ;)

Front Float
Trying to catch a wave like Auntie Shannon S

Auntie Pam came to his last day and we spent the rest of the day on the beach soaking up some vitamin D, drinking lake water and visiting. It was such a great success that I'm tempted to take the same 2 weeks off from work next year so we can do it again. Maybe the whole month of July... I'm loving this free time too much.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Water Baby

I've heard of very young babies being able to swim. Like being swaddled, they seem to find comfort in water, having spent the previous 9 months in a watery place. That's why we wanted to start Gauge early so he would develop a love and healthy appreciation for water. Lakes in particular, as we are not pool people.

I think Gauge is a water baby now. Today was day 8 of swimming lessons and the second day of lifejacket lessons. He wasn't quite sure what to think yesterday when I strapped him into his lifejacket, but he loved "jumping" into the deep water and that sensation of floating. Today was even better. He was eager to jump off the dock, splashed his arms and even kicked his legs when he was front floating. I couldn't help but have the biggest smile on my face the whole lesson. The greatest moment yet though was when he kept trying to blow bubbles in the water like the other kids. If I didn't hold him high enough above the water, he would put his entire face, mouth open, and come up sputtering but happy.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Swimming Lessons

I've become one of those parents that does crazy things to (for?) their kids. At only 8 1/2 months old, I enrolled my boy in swimming lessons for 2 weeks. At the lake. Most people who have kids in swimming lessons stay in campers at the lake for the 2 weeks. We don't have one, and you generally have to spend hours on the phone on March 1st to try and get a site... so I'm driving about 80 km round trip every day.
Obviously I've been more excited about going to the lake every day than Gauge, but I think he's catching on.
The first day was a bit of a no-go. I was told that his lesson would be around noon. So I showed up 10 mins. before noon only to find out that he should have been there at 11:30. Oops. I guess there is a list posted at the lake of when the lessons are, but I didn't know to check it beforehand. So we played in the lake a little bit then went home.
Day 2 was cold and cloudy, and we stayed home.
We showed up for day 3 really early and played on the beach and walked on the sand and tried to keep the sand out of someone's mouth. The water was still a little cool from the day before so we didn't make it too far in. Gauge desperately wanted to go and play with the other kids in his class but with each step that took him deeper, he would cringe and squeal a little. We spent a total of 5 mins in the water.

Day 4 was great. We were on time, walked down the beach and up to his chest before he started to make any protest. Being only 8 months, it's hard to get him to do any the things the teacher is teaching, or even play the games. But he loved being in the water and so close to the other kids.
Today is day 5. I think I'm going to try and get him to do some floats and maybe blow bubbles. He's so good at it out of water he should be able to in water right?