Friday, August 28, 2009

Baby's Got Talent

I had completely forgotten about this commercial until we saw it earlier this week… I might have to pick up some Maltesers in town today just to see if our baby can do that too. Betcha it can. Yesterday I had it following a pen that I was tapping on my belly; kicking and pushing where the pen had just been tapping. Such a smart baby!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

2 months = 9 weeks = excitement & trepidation

Are we really ready to have a baby? If we talk about it in terms of months, we are. There is still lots of time to finish EVERYTHING that we have left to do to get ready for Baby V. Talk about it in weeks… not so much. Talk about it in weeks, and all of a sudden, there isn’t enough time between haying, renovating, harvest, working and bringing the cows home to get things ready. And that’s assuming this kid is just on time and not early. I can’t even think about it being early. I need those prenatal classes just to learn how to breathe through the nesting anxiety let alone contractions.

Regardless of how much time we have left… I’m thankful for many things.
1) Continuing health. I still feel great. Lumbering and awkward most of the time, but I get around energetically.
2) A wonderful, understanding husband. He will make us lunch when I'm too caught up in work things to get started early, make the bed before I get to it, dispose of drowned mice from my rain barrels, and save me from being dive bombed by moths. He'll even rub my dirty, swollen feet and ankles after a long day of doing whatever and push me out of the couch when I just can't get up. He is a good man, an excellent husband, and will make a great dad. Whether he's ready or not.
3) Our garage. It is finally being built. The foundation is ready for the cement (hopefully coming on Friday), the walls and rafters will be up in no time. I will never again have to scrape snow and ice from my SUV before I leave home. Pure bliss.
4) Free furniture. We don’t have time to go to the city together to shop for a car seat, much less nursery furniture. At the rate we're going, we'll pick up the car seat on the way to the hospital. But I’m so thankful there are those around us looking to purge. Lovin' the hand-me-downs.
5) A cool basement office. Though I didn’t get to take much advantage of how much cooler it is than upstairs this summer. We have been plagued with a very cool, wet summer. Hardly a day above 25C. I will gladly suffer a week of +30 for the benefit of everyone else deprived of a proper summer this year.

So Baby, while we can't wait to meet you and shower you with our love... please, please, please wait until October 21st. Any sooner, and you might be sleeping in the car seat box.

Monday, August 10, 2009

What a Lovely Sound

I love the sound of back-up beepers in the early morning.
After many months of waiting and being told it wouldn't get done this year, the contractor FINALLY showed up this morning to start work on our garage. We will have a garage before winter returns.

Today, the bobcat is here to do the landscaping, which should take a day or two. Once it's done, the cement will be poured, and our neighbour will start framing the walls on his days off. When he's done, the contractor crew will return to put up the rafters and walls and our neighbour will finish things up.

I'm so happy. Beyond.

Now... if we can only get ahold of the plumber to get our furnace installed before winter...