Friday, August 28, 2009

Baby's Got Talent

I had completely forgotten about this commercial until we saw it earlier this week… I might have to pick up some Maltesers in town today just to see if our baby can do that too. Betcha it can. Yesterday I had it following a pen that I was tapping on my belly; kicking and pushing where the pen had just been tapping. Such a smart baby!


The Blog Fodder said...

You can sing to Baby, read to Baby, play music for Baby. All makes a difference they claim. Have you guessed boy or girl yet?

RTAs said...

I'll read and talk to Baby V, but it still feels kinda weird chatting at my belly. We both think it's a boy, but no guarantees. There are so few surprises left in life that we want our little miracle to be one of them. Regardless, as long as it's healthy, we'll be happy with whatever.