Tuesday, October 21, 2008

What do you hunt?

I hunt flies. I stalk them in my house and swat them whenever I get a chance. There were times during the summer when 50+ flies would be buzzing between the screen and closed window in my office. Gross. A couple of times I got high after I tried to “Raid” them… so I tried to limit the number of times I used the Raid can.
I also hunt dust bunnies, and quickly deal with them before company comes over.

Errol; he hunts for real. Around the beginning of September, he started watching the hunting channel every chance he got. Between him and my brother, I have learned more about hunting in the last year than I ever thought possible.
Last night, Errol popped in “Where Legends Roam”, a video diary produced by “Big Buck Magazine”. I thought it was going to be just another hunting video so I kept myself busy with some housework. Then this delightfully soothing music came on, so I sidled into the living room. I quickly realized it was video that the magazine’s editor had captured over a number of years while on the hunt for the perfect pictures for his magazine. I had to sit down and watch it, it was so interesting. All sorts of shots of bulls, cows and fawns (mostly deer, though some moose and elk), captured during all seasons, over a number of years. I learned more about ungulates in those 79 minutes than I have all year.

Did you know that deer, elk and moose shed their antlers every year? I had no idea. Have you seen the size of the elk antlers hanging in my living room? They are almost as tall as me! Errol said they often find shed deer antlers in the field, and have even found them wrapped up in hay bales.
And did you know that the antlers are made entirely of bone and can grow up to 1 inch a day?
Deer antlers aren't too heavy, but a big elk or moose racks can weigh 30+lbs. Imagine walking around with 30 extra lbs on the top of your melon, and still stand up straight.
And that the antlers grow in pretty much the same pattern each year, getting bigger and bigger with each year? Who knew?
As you can tell, I’m totally floored by these new facts.

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