Friday, November 27, 2009


I've never been one to remember my dreams. Falling dreams are the most common for me, and even then, they rarely happen.
In the last months of my pregnancy I dreamt almost every night. Now, for some reason, my dreams involve explosive poo, incessant crying and the fear that Gauge is lying on my chest while I'm in bed, and I can't move him. Oh, and people (usually older women) telling me I'm a poor mother. 2 of those 4 haunt me during the day too.


Anonymous said...

Yikes!! Those sound like quite the dreams. I hope at least that it means you're sleeping at night.

RTAs said...

Yeah. It's much better than it was a couple of weeks ago. He usually sleeps about 4 hours before needing to eat again.

Sonjag said...

I think you'll have to deal with the crying and explosive poo for sometime yet, but I want to reassure you that you are doing such a good job as a mother (and of course
Errol as daddy).

Anonymous said...
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