Friday, May 25, 2007

Sweating in places I didn't know existed

Hello Canada (and US and wherever else this blog is being read)

So very pleased to announce that our luggage arrived the very next day in BKK. Hooray!! Many prayers went up on their behalf.

We spent a lesuirely day wondering around BKK and making future plans. Kelly and I were both struck by how few white people we saw... then again, we were in the north part of the city, far away from foreigner territory.

on the 25th we started for Cambodia, leaving our GH at 5:45am. Caught a bus, and made it to Arunyaphthet around 10:30... then the fun began. We were sort scammed... but not nearly as much as some of our travel companions. We managed to cross the border with no trouble, then waited for 3 hours for the tourist buses to "fill up", as tons of tourists passed. We finally muscled our way onto a bus, and started to head east to Siem Reap. I promise I will complain about Saskatchewan's pot holes again... our bus ride averaged 20km/h and included numerous detours, a flat tire, food that we ordered never arriving, and kids begging everywhere. We keep reminding ourselves that these kids do not get to keep anything we give them.

The A/C quit about half way through the trip, and I swear I had no part of my body that was not glistening in that purifying salty sweat. We arrived in Siem Reap about 9... and again, were scammed into taking the first GH. Oh well... it was cheap, clean and relatively quiet.

Today, the 26th, we decided to set out for the old market (Phas Chaa, or something like it) on foot. Despite a couple of well worth it detours, we arrived, found another GH, and cleaned up.

We have met a couple of Canadians and plan to tour the Angkor Wat temples tomorrow. Hooray for new friends!

lots of love A&K


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear your luggage reunited with you. We're enjoying yourtravels vicariously. Better you than we, experiencing the challenges of foreign/3rd world travel. Hope you aren't "suffering" the heat too much. Taking lots of pics to share with the folks at home?
Always in our prayers,
Motorcycle mama

Anonymous said...

Sooooo Happy that you are both arrived safe and have your luggage! Hope you are both having fun and enjoying the warm/hot weather, it's a whopping 11 degrees as a high in Brandon today. Praying that you both have a GREAT time, and for God to keep you both safe. We really feel better that you met a couple Canadians there, Kara's & I are thinking about you both every day. Take care, we'll message you ladies again soon! Love, Kara and Greg

Teacher Lady said...

Hey, Uncle Phil advertised your blog today on church. It was rather amusing hearing him explain the name.

Anonymous said...

Ang; what does GH mean? The closest we could figure was Group Hostel. Are we close?