Wednesday, December 31, 2008

This Year's Travels in Review

Since this blog is geared to be a travel blog, I guess I should review the places I have been in 2008. As with last year, I'll likely miss a few places. One place I used to visit, has now become home, while home has become a chicken-with-no-head chase around the city to do a mountain of errands after a full day at work and still try and get home before too late.
So, here we go!

Los Angeles/Anaheim
Park Valley - a million times, except that I live here now. Did you know that it even has a GPS location? right where the store used to be, so many years ago.
Saskatoon - the wild goose chase. Kind of surreal that I occasionally long for the lonely country roads while sitting in rush hour traffic.
Moose Jaw
Winnipeg (to transfer from a plane to a bus to Brandon. I was on the ground long enough to make it count)
Manitou Beach
Nesslin Lake
Morin Lake
Honolulu, Hawaii

This year's travels also added a couple new airports to my list of layovers. Ok... I guess just one, I was in LAX last year.

Hong Kong

2009 already promises a trip to Toronto and Panorama, and we're even hoping the BC Coast. Can't wait to see what the year holds.
Happy New Year everyone!!


Queen of West Procrastination said...

West Coast? Hooray hooray!

RTAs said...

I'm sorry QoWP, I hope I didn't get your hopes up too much. Our trip to the coast would be on the mainland and quite a bit further North. Did you know that we are only 430km further away from Kitimat than Kitimat is from Victoria. Sometimes, this country is far too expansive!
But, I daydream about a second honeymoon, and keep seeing mountains and ocean in my daydreams. We'll come see you someday.