Saturday, January 3, 2009

It's so pink, it burns.

I decided to spend New Year's Day starting a job I've been longing to start since before I moved here. Tearing down ugly wood paneling. For those of you who didn't have the privilege of visiting before...

Just so you understand. The entire upstairs, with the exception of one wall in the living room, the kitchen and the bathroom was covered in wood paneling. But! No more. I started with the hallway. which was time consuming, as there were lots of little sections and trim to remove. But what a difference. The walls are white, and opened up the tiny little hallway so much. Once that was done, I started to tackle the kitchen/dining room. We could tell from a couple of places where the paneling was pulling away from the wall that it was pink under there. But neither of us were prepared with how pink. It's Pepto Pink, and burns my retinas when the morning sun shines in.

But again, it has opened the space up so much, it blows my mind. I'm super excited to fix up the walls, and start painting.


Bronwyn said...

Oh thank God you took that stuff down. When I first walked into your place, I thought "Ang is going to rip that crap apart!!" The pink is lovely. Maybe you should keep it? Grin.

Jo said...

Personal preference of course, but I kind of liked the paneling...

RTAs said...

May-B - when were you here? Before the wedding? Racking my brain trying to remember...
Middle Earth - sometimes I miss it a little. Just a bit.

Bronwyn said...

I was in your place when you weren't there. We picked up water bottles. So, I got to snoop without anyone noticing!!

Shannon said...

Gag to both the panelling and the pink. What colour are you going to go with?