Sunday, December 27, 2009

My new therapist

I have a new therapist. He's pretty new at the job, but highly effective. Last night, after a wonderful Christmas, we had a big ol' party in the Valley. It was a fun deal. Gauge was pretty well behaved, after we fed and changed him, and let him play on the floor. He loved all the attention (when no one was touching him...). Towards the end of the evening he was fussing again, ready to eat then go to bed as is his routine. The fussing reached critical proportions in a few short minutes and and instead of driving the 3 kilometres to home, I just nursed him at the church, while others cleaned up. But it still wasn't good enough. He was hot, the surroundings loud and bothersome, so I went home with an angry, still hungry baby.

When I got home, it ALL came boiling to the top. Everything that has been frustrating me over the last who knows how long started to spew out. I know nursing a baby when you are an emotional wreck is nearly impossible, but I hoped that he would finish eating so that he would sleep through the night. Thankfully he quickly got down to business. After a couple minutes he stopped, looked at me with the biggest blues eyes he could manage and smiled. My heart melted. How could I stay upset when this perfect little angel was looking at me, solely focused on me, as if to say 'Mommy, it's going to be ok.'

Like I said, he's new at his job, but really, really good at it.


The Blog Fodder said...

What a sweetheart. I would spoil him to bits. Smiles and hugs melt the hearts and soothe the souls of humankind.

And remember Grandchildren are God's way of rewarding you for not killing your children. So stay calm another 25 or 30 years and you will get your reward. Heh heh heh.

Queen of West Procrastination said...

That is such a sweet picture. And, you know, I see a bit of your Dad in him in that picture.

I'm sending you lots of hugs. If you ever need to talk, I work really flexible hours around here.

RTAs said...

Funny that you see my dad QoWP... most people here see alot of Jake. But a few see Grandpa Joe. Especially when he wrinkles his bald forehead. I can't tell who he looks most like.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you've got such a good therapist. He looks like he would be the best snuggler in the world.

RTAs said...

If only he was a snuggler Ky! He likes snuggling to be on his terms (sound familiar? So my son.) Like when he's hungry or tired. He can usually only take so much touching then cries until you put him in his chair or on the floor. Once there he resumes his kicking and air punching exercises and gives you the biggest smiles if you just give him "no contact" attention.