Thursday, May 13, 2010

Make it Look Pretty

On the topic of having Errol's cousin break ground and till some flowerbeds around the house.

Angela: I'm going to get him to work the grass up around the house so I don't have to do it by hand.
Errol: Ok.

Errol: You know I just had him work it up a few years ago so I could seed the grass and make it look nice.
Angela: Yeahbut I want him to work it up again so that I can plant flowers and make it look pretty.

Errol: Yeahbuts live in the bush. Pretty was what I was afraid of.
Angela: Too bad. I'll plant some "nice" shrubs for you.


The Blog Fodder said...

Errol is afraid he will have to help look after the flowers while green grass is easy, just mow it once a week.
We've actually planted bits and pieces of grass in and around fruit trees and such. We don't have a mower so we are just letting it grow for now.

RTAs said...

Chances are I'll be the mower again this year. Since it takes a good 2 hours to mow our half of the yard, a little less maneuvering around the house makes me happy.
I'm assuming you planted garden-variety green grass? I like the look of tall native prairie grass around trees.

Sonjag said...

Men and women definitely have differing opinions about landscaping, but if you're doing the work, you get to pick. Looking forward to seeing the result of your labours.

Anonymous said...

And here I thought I was the only house with these discussions!! Too funny Ang. :)