Tuesday, May 11, 2010


We're having a reunion here during the May Long Weekend. Over 100 people are expected, including a couple of relatives from Norway. To prepare, we decided to clean the yard. If you're not familiar with prairie farms and the farmer mentality, you NEVER throw anything, I mean anything, away. As soon as you do, you'll need it. So it was a big deal for Errol and his dad to decide a MAJOR cleanup was necessary. I'm super excited about the clean-up because it's getting rid of over 80 years of junk that we won't have to deal with in the future. That's right, 80 years.

5 of us started yesterday morning, working around the big shop, barn, granaries, chicken coop and a storage garage. In 8 hours we filled the dump truck 4 times, and loaded all sorts of scrap metal onto a trailer. And we're not done yet. Most of what we've removed has been junk, but there have been a few treasures. I found a cream can in great condition that Errol's grandmother used to take to town to sell cream, with her name on it. Two beautiful, rusty oil lanterns that will find a home in my kitchen. Old machinery, including a mower that I sat on and got bucked off of. A toy barn that used to be Errol's that we plan to repair and give to Gauge. I think my favourite were never-opened, old cans of gopher poison called "Gopher Cop". They've been on the shelves since Errol's dad was a kid, some 70+ years. Like I said, alot of old junk.


Queen of West Procrastination said...

I really, really want to see pictures of this stuff.

The Blog Fodder said...

Field days, reunions, etc. were the best invention to get farmers to clean up their yards.

Hang onto that gopher poison. They don't sell it anymore. It is strychnine; very useful for eliminating unwanted relatives, neighbours, visitors etc. (Errol will never look at a bowl of oatmeal porridge again in the same way).

RTAs said...

I will QoWP! I wish I had taken some before pictures to show the transformation.
Blog Fodder we are definitely hanging onto the old cans. Mostly because I don't want them leeching into the ground water. But also because they are so cool.