Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Ang and Kelly's Top 10 Must-Do-Again List

1. Canyoning and Abseiling – worth every penny we paid and every mouthful of dirty river water that we swallowed.

2. Beng Mealea – crumbling Angkor style temple that you actually get to climb around. Bombed by the Khmer Rouge, and overgrown with jungle fauna. You feel like an explorer, discovering it for the first time.

3. Extreme Biking in Phnom Penh – who wouldn’t want to take their life into their own hands, braving the motos, cyclos, cars, trucks, fumes, livestock and glaring sun?

4. The FOOD – waffles with frozen yogurt, toasted rice paper quesadilla things, street vendors, and all for less than a dollar!

5. 4 island tour in Nha Trang, hosted by OK Adventure. Karaoke, Funky Monkey, the turquoise ocean, sandy beaches and meeting great people.

6. Getting lost... really. You always end up in neat places that you couldn't have found on a map.

7. Cold showers and the occasional A/C. Never thought I would say this, but on occasion, I missed A/C.

8. The Lakeside and sunsets in Phnom Penh.

9. Meeting new people, and then running into them again, and again and again. It did not matter what city or country we were in, they kept popping up!

10. The markets. Total mayhem. People everywhere, smells like dried squid, meat hanging from the roof, vendors calling to you in words you don’t understand, and everything is cheaper than borscht!

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