Wednesday, June 13, 2007

It's a Small World

And now you all have that song in your heads... But really, it is a small world. You would think that in a city of over 5 million, you wouldn't expect to see people that you know. But it has happened far too often. yesterday we were at the grocery store, stocking up on a few sundries, and whom do we spot through the window... but the Canadian couple we met so many weeks ago. You can imagine all of our surprise. it was nice to see familar faces though, and we quickly caught up with each other.

Today is our last day in HCMC as we head back to Bangkok tonight. HCMC has been nicer the second time around, but we still both prefer the small towns like Chau Doc and Da Lat that we have visited. Fewer tourists has generally meant nicer locals and an atmosphere that one could spend a considerable length of time enjoying. But that kind of talk is for another time.

As the end of our trip quickly approaches, we are starting to crave the things we have lived without for the last month. Proper shampoo... our own beds... personal space (my how the Vietnamese love to touch and hit us)... friends and family, you know, the little things. I guess when the end is near, you allow you can allow yourself to think about those kinds of things.

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