Friday, October 23, 2009

Lessons to learn

I'm learning patience this week. Did you know that only 5% of babies are born on their due date? More than 75% are born after. You would think, after ALL these years of women having babies, they would be able to come up with a more accurate method of predicting when birth will occur. Hello! I like to have a bit of a plan in life, especially when it involves an hour and a half trip to the hospital...
Which leads me to my next lesson... children learn very early on, how to run their parents' lives. From the time they are barely a spec on an ultrasound screen, they influence how frequently their mother visits the bathroom, when she eats, what she eats, how much and well she sleeps and subsequently how much and well their father sleeps. But they don't really start to shine in this until the last few weeks of pregnancy. Based on experience and what others have told me, women are usually done with being pregnant several weeks before they actually give birth. The awkwardness, sore everything, poor infrequent sleep and constant potty breaks just become too much. Babies on the other hand, at least 75% of them, seem quite content to hang out in utero where it's warm and cozy, for as long as they can. Doesn't matter how many pep talks I give it, with promises of more room to stretch and cousins and friends to play with, and lots and lots of love, still no signs of coming any time soon.
Patience girl, patience.


Queen of West Procrastination said...

I was thinking of you a lot on your due date: I know a few women (who had their babies after the due date) who said that that one day was the longest, because they'd spent nine months looking forward to that day, just to sit around and have nothing happen, and everyone start being like "SOOO? Having the baby yet?"

I hope you're comfortable, and that Baby V is born soon!

The Blog Fodder said...

I think Bron went three weeks over. She was reading a book and didn't want to be born until she finished it.

RTAs said...

Day 2 of being overdue has been the longest so far... I ran out of things to occupy myself with. Thankfully my due date was spent in PA at the doc and running errands, so it passed by rather quickly. I have to keep reminding myself that everyone's phone calls are well intentioned. They are also anxiously awaiting Baby V's appearance.

Sonjag said...

Trying not to be anxious, trying to distract,encourage,etc. Saying many little prayers for you and Baby V.

Love, mama G

prairie nymph said...

thats because they set the date based on first day of last menstrual period, instead of ovulation. as if all women's cycle's are the same.

glad you are doing so well! Auntie Ev's advice: sleep when the baby sleeps