Sunday, April 20, 2008

If you guessed Singapore, you were right!

I'll have to post pictures of my first trip to Singapore in 2005, when I ate durian for the first time. Never again.

After 25+ hours of traveling, I have arrived in Singapore. Of course, it's shortly after 1am, Monday morning, and I am far from tired. I was doing so well to stay awake, adjusting as quick as I can to the time difference. but I caved, and had a 3 hours nap on the last leg. And now I'm paying for it.

For those in SK, you'll be happy to know it's a balmy 27C right now. I read on CBC and from Motorcycle Mama's comments that you have received more icky winter weather. Sorry to hear that. I would have gladly traded the weather for this trip. It was a struggle to get motivated to come this time. Oh well, it's only 6 days. 5 really, if you don't count Saturday when I fly out at 6am. Shortest Asian trip yet, but no less busy!

Let's see, what's on my agenda. Other than the tradeshow and meetings, lots of shopping. I'm hoping to do a little wedding dress/accessories shopping while here. Inject a little, subtle Asian flare to the wedding decorations. Asians love cowboys, so I might even find something that fits both worlds.

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